Oh Canada!!

Now we’re in Narnia.

We arrived on Wednesday, having at the stage lived 2 Wednesdays, and were picked up by Paul and Bonnie, who held signs at the arrivals gate and were a joy to see! We drove fromCalgaryto Circle Square Ranch (where P&B had been living/working), about 3.5 hours. We were dead company at dinner at Erika and Sheldon’s house that night and I was up at 2am, not sleepy at all. It snowed all that night, all Thursday and Thursday night. By Friday, we felt like we were in a movie. We looked out our window at all the white and squealed. I think it was about -25 by then. Cold according to anyone. In those first few days, we went snow hiking, cross-country skiing and horse riding.













We spent a few weeks at Circle Square, waiting for Bonnie to finish work. We helped out with a few camps that came through, ate a lot of food at Erika and Sheldon’s and generally attempted to adjust. Everything takes a little longer here… snow makes you drive slower and rug up more. Shopping is slow because there are no recognisable brands and you have to read packaging several times over to make sure you’re getting what you want. And half the packaging is in French! Plans to go outside include 15 minutes of getting enough clothes on! You get the point…



The reason behind the change: I realised that it cost about $1000 a year to keep my hair blonde – the colour Simon has always known me (thankfully, he missed my punk rock, multi-coloured days), the colour I have been for several years, the colour that is actually not my natural colour anymore. This cost seemed greedy, especially when most people in the world can’t afford that luxury. So, in a bid to align myself and ‘go without’, the change occurred. Probably not my natural colour, but one that will allow the grace that blonde wouldn’t in the growing out process. Sadly, it appears the ditzyness of Bonnie was never in the hair…


Probably our biggest highlight so far has been snowboarding. So far, Si has been 3 times and I have been once. The morning of the first day was horrible – adjusting to having a snowboard strapped to your ankles, being 3 inches thicker due to snow suits and generally having no idea makes for … interesting times. Quite a few words passed through our lips that will not be mentioned here. I cried. Basically, we sucked and were very frustrated at our severe lack of skill. We despaired that we’d ever get it.

I was told twice, by workers on patrol, I should leave the beginners hill and go to the ‘Magic Carpet’ – a kids trial area, with a slope of about 3 degrees! Mean! Eventually we were linking turns and falling over less. You get your confidence up and go faster only to smash out harder or fall into a deep snow drift and lay there waiting for a crane to pick you out. Unfortunately, there are no such cranes and getting out of drifts is the most unglamorous, humiliating task! Still, we really enjoy it and are looking forward to hitting up Sunshine a few more times with Aussie mates who are coming/are here for the wedding.

The wedding! 4 sleeps to go. Paul and Bonnie are looking swish in their get-up and everyone is really looking forward to the celebration. We’re hoping for a dump of fresh snow before then. We had Bonnie’s bachelorette (hen’s is so much easier to say!) last weekend where fun and dance were had and I believe Bonnie wasn’t too mortified and had some fun of her own.








Subi the Subaru – One massive blessing has been the loan of a car from friends, Corrie & Peter, in Calgary, which has saved us hundreds! We’re still finding confidence – driving on the other side of the car on the other side of the road in snowy conditions – but enjoying the freedom of having a car.

Circle Square Ranch – an awesome space and accommodation that is covered with a donation, again saving us money.

Paul and Bonnie – What on earth would we do without them explaining everything to us so patiently?

From Bragg Creek, Alberta – thanks for reading! Goodbye for now!


  1. sixtrees25 said,

    December 15, 2011 at 8:56 am

    AW Bonnie, so glad i randomly checked your blog!… i am impressed you’ve found the time to share. Miss yas so much! Love the hair!!… well i am sad too!! But its a good decision!!! I was gasping at the pics!!!!
    Re your idols well that is amazing too!! But don’t forget that your writing has probably been your way of expressing yourself creatively, something that for the last ten years i have really squished down deep within myself, and the last little while- with the painting pots and henna, i am re-discovering. I think its important to have that expression, but it certainly shouldn’t take first place in life… with family and the Lord being number one……
    Our wedding invite arrived in the mail this week… we are sad to miss out….. but pass on our bestest best wishes for all the celebrations and their start in life together. Too exciting… we’ll see them in adelaide, before you guys probably. Love you so stacks bon bon xoxo

  2. Altheodi said,

    December 21, 2011 at 12:23 pm

    Yeah, Canada! It’s great to hear of your adventures, and your hair change! You look so different! The pictures are awesome, thanks for sharing!

  3. Ian & Judith Uppill said,

    December 21, 2011 at 11:36 pm

    Sounds like a cold Christmas for you this year. We’ll be at home in Yankalilla, having a quiet one. We’ll be thinking of you and hope you continue to have fun. Mum & Dad U.

  4. Ian & Judith Uppill said,

    December 22, 2011 at 3:43 am

    Sounds like a cold Christmas for you. We are staying home, forcast 30c for Adelaide. Have fun. I&J

  5. Mary-anne Mickan said,

    December 23, 2011 at 2:39 am

    Hey Bonnie, Mary-anne here..your mum told me about you posts you put up..wow you guys are having some great adventures! You look so happy 🙂
    Weather couldn’t be more opposite in SA.. reakon its about 40 degrees today…enjoy your holidays x Mary-anne

  6. Ian Uppill said,

    December 26, 2011 at 2:53 am

    Great to speak to you Sat night your time.
    My second attempt to post a comment

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